About us

Skaland Camping AS

Bergsfjordveien 1757, 9385 Skaland

Organization number.: 921 251 769
Bank account number.: 4750 73 27059
Phone: +47 966 46 115

Contact us

+47 966 46 115

Address (Invoices)

Marit Wisløff
Movegen 9
9515 Alta

Mailing address

Skaland Camping AS
Bergsfjordveien 1757
9385 Skaland

This website is made by

The website is made by Cleverly

We have used many great pictures, primarily from:

Reiner Schaufler and Karl Otto Heitmann

We’ve also used pictures from Trude Mørkved, Tormod Amundsen and our own pictures.

The amazing video from Senja is made by:

Aleksander Englund (YouTube)